
Articles on a variety of topics useful to those in ESL ministry.

Connecting Students to the Community

If you’ve ever moved to a new city, you know the feeling of starting over. Creating new routines and finding new connections are a normal part of adjusting to a new place. However, for someone learning English, making those connections can take much longer and be much more difficult to access or understand. Your students […]

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Welcome to Class

Making a Welcoming Classroom Environment for Your Students

As Christians using English ministry to love our international neighbors, we know that it’s vital to create a classroom environment that feels welcoming and safe. Our students are entering a classroom that mostly or only uses English, is staffed by native speakers, and possibly is even in a church. All of these factors are understandably intimidating for

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Focus on Learner Needs: Key 3

This 3 part series is an excerpt from the the Institute of Cross Cultural Training’s “Reach Out With English” training and has been shared with ICCT’s permission. When planning a Sunday School curriculum, we often begin by focusing on people’s spiritual needs and then we think about how we can address those needs through our

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Quality Teaching: Key 2

This 3 part series is an excerpt from the the Institute of Cross Cultural Training’s “Reach Out With English” training * and has been shared with ICCT’s permission. When the need for ESL teachers in our communities is so great and there is pressure to begin teaching as soon as possible, it’s easy to be

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Cultural Understanding: Key 1

This 3 part series is an excerpt from the the Institute of Cross Cultural Training’s “Reach Out With English” training and has been shared with ICCT’s permission. In making your decision to become an ESL teacher, you have probably prayed about your desire to minister to those who have a range of needs that go

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Elderly hands folded in lap while praying

More Than Capable

In my last article I shared with you four foundational truths about prayer. You could, broadly speaking, place them in the categories of God’s character and attributes. Character being his willingness to answer. Attributes being his ability to hear and to answer. In this article I want to talk about one of his attributes in

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Hands clasp around the knees of someone sitting on the ground in sadness and desperation

How to Help When You Don’t Know What to Say: Supporting Family and Friends Who Have Lost a Loved One to Suicide

Grief is a universally difficult experience. However, some forms of grief come with particular circumstances that make it painful, messy, and challenging to resolve. These forms of grief are called “complex grief.” One form of complex grief is the grief of losing a loved one to suicide. People who lose a family member or friend to

How to Help When You Don’t Know What to Say: Supporting Family and Friends Who Have Lost a Loved One to Suicide Read More »