
Become a TESOL Ministry Supporter

We are committed to providing our community with free & affordable resources and trainings, but these come at a cost. Your support is crucial in allowing us to impact English language ministries around the globe. There are lots of ways you can help:


Ask God to work His will in and through our ministry. You can also pray for English ministries listed in the ESL Ministry Directory.

hands clasped while praying

Give Financially

We’re working to expand the ways that you can give. For now you can use a credit card to give here:

jar with coins, and three stacks of increasingly tall coins with little plants growing out of each stack

To avoid the credit card fees, send a check to:

TESOL Ministry

1009 Shellrock Drive, Wake Forest, NC 27587

Tell Others About Us

Help us get the word out about our resources! (If you have some feedback for us, let us know. We’re constantly trying to improve!)

People sharing on their phones: Image by <a href="">Dean Moriarty</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>


Water splash after a rock is thrown in, symbolizing the impact an individual can have

Did you know our organization runs on volunteers? If you have some time and can help, let us know!