Apply to Showcase Curriculum

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Thank you for your interest in participating in the Online Adult ESL Curriculum Showcase

This online event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024 using Zoom. Participants will be mostly program directors, teachers, and volunteers who are teaching ESL in community based settings like adult education programs, churches, refugee organizations, and tutoring centers. If your application to present at the showcase is accepted, you will be assigned a 15 minute time slot to showcase your curriculum, and another 15 – 30 minutes (depending on the number of publishers that we have) to answer questions in a Zoom Room dedicated to you. Participants will be allowed to join rooms freely to ask questions about the showcased curriculums during this time. With your permission we will record your presentation (not the Q&A) to make available to our premium content subscribers.

In addition to the webinar portion of the showcase, we will be dedicating a page on our website to the curriculums that were showcased. We will ask you to provide some information about each book/curriculum that you showcased, as well as one link to where the book/curriculum can be purchased. You may also provide up to 5 preview pictures to go along with this listing. If you would like to provide a discount code, we encourage you to do that as well.

After the showcase is concluded, we will open up the option for our members to leave reviews about each item listed on the Curriculum Showcase webpage.

Although there is no cost for publishers to participate, we ask that you consider making a donation to TESOL Ministry.  We are committed to helping improve the quality of community based ESL programs & are able to do that through the generosity of companies and individuals like you. TESOL Ministry is a 501.c.3 nonprofit, so if you are based in the US, your donation is tax deductible. 

Donations may be paid by check to “TESOL Ministry” and mailed to: TESOL Ministry, 1009 Shellrock Drive, Wake Forest, NC 27587. We are in the process of setting up our payment gateway. If you would like to make a donation by credit card, please indicate that and we will reach out to you. 

Publisher Address
Contact Name
Is someone from your company/organization available on Saturday, November 2 from 12 noon until 5PM (Eastern Time) to showcase your curriculum online and answer questions?
Please include a website link to each book if available for purchase online
Do we have your permission to record your presentation (not the Q&A) for display after the Showcase on our website for our premium subscribers?
Would you like to offer a discount code?
Please check if you would like to make a donation by credit card
Would you like to discuss sponsorship opportunities for the Empower with English Event?
For more information on TESOL Ministry’s fundraising event, go to:
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